On Recovery and Gratitude

I wake up (late) to a nice rainy Monday, and I immediately know that things are improving the way I hope they would.

For one thing, the dull ache in my lower back is now just a dull stiffness and discomfort. Sleep was uninterrupted for the first time in weeks, and I was not wracked by painful lumbar cramps in the middle of the night or early morning.

So, all good. This evening’s PT session SHOULD be the last one as per doctor’s recommendations and then back to Dr. Genuinio to have myself checked and hopefully cleared for light strength training. I have been a bit restless lately to get back into some form of training activity.

Not bad for my 4th week of recovery.

I am currently ruling out driving down to the Taal Lake Yacht Club to spectate and catch-up with friends who will be competing and participating in the annual Round The Volcano Race. I might have failed to mention that I am not a very good spectator — even for the sports that I engage in. I get antsy and find myself always wanting to jump in and compete.  It would also be a bad idea for me to be anywhere near water and sailboats given that I am “advised against placing myself in unsteady environments requiring me to engage my core and lumbar muscles for upright and/or locomotion stability” (so says my doctor).  Furthermore, it doesn’t help when your friends are telling you about their preparations for the King’s Cup Regatta in Thailand, all the racing you’ve missed, and all the ones you’ll be missing out on. But still, I thank my friends for all the race updates.


My good buddy Roy Espiritu actually had the idea of tying me up to one of the rigid and reinforced structures around the club where I can stay on dry land — preventing me from venturing out and to settle with merely watching the race, but it would be awkward for my caretaker if I suddenly develop an itch on some part of me that needs scratching. Awkward in public at least.

So I will have to stay home and keep my mind on my other pursuits such as WORK and cartoons! What can I say? Food shows make me want to travel, travel shows make me want to sail, my own personal life is more interesting than reality or adventure shows, and well — there just isn’t enough airtime for Giorgio Tsoukalos.

Hey man. I wasn’t saying he’s an alien. But, he’s an ALIEN.

I’d like to thank the one hundred thirty or so people who liked The Official Team Viloria Yacht Racing Page on Facebook. It makes it so much more official to have a hundred and thirty people following you. If I can double that within the week, I might just be able to negotiate with Donald Trump to change his skin color into a less obnoxious shade of orange.

THAT or his security guys will kick my ass and it’s back to therapy and recovery for me.

Maybe I’ll just be grateful here. Yeah. That seems to be a better idea.

I have no picture for this afternoon’s update, btw. I will use some stock photo of me with Team Vineta (or if you want it PROPER — “Team Vineta and I”) instead.


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